Sunday, July 26, 2009

Enjoy The Silence

As I write this I am sitting near a roaring campfire. The only sounds I can hear is the crackle of the flames, the constant soothing sound of the nearby river and off in the not so far distance the sound of my husbands laugh as he chats with a fellow camper. Occasionally I'll catch the sound of my sleeping children turning over in their sleeping bags in the tent.

These of course are not the sounds I'm used to at home. The sounds at home are the sounds of everyday life and are constantly playing out around me.

When we come to the mountains, as we do so many weekends in the summer, it's like giving in to mother nature. About a 1/2 hour before we get here we give up cell service (even though I'm still able to write blog posts at will on my iPhone). We give up the stresses of money & bills, and the ever growing needs of our family. Not that we don't have needs here on the mountains, they're just different needs.

Like the need to build a sandcastle on the bank of the river. Or the need to read my book. Or the need to have s'mores or go fishing. You know, the kind of needs that are simple and don't take a whole lot of thought.

I enjoy the silence. I know come Sunday the sounds of reality will come washing over of us again, just as they were a few short hours ago. But tonight those sounds are mute. My world is calm and it is silent. And it is wonderful.

I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

Posted with LifeCast

1 comment:

Holly Hakes Petersen said...

Dear Meg,

Thank you. I am really enjoying the snap, crackle, pop of your fire, the woodsy smell, the heat on my face, and the serenity of your post as I sit here in the comfort of my living room. I am jealous. How I would love to be where you are, or somewhere similar.
I am grateful, however, to have a living room and air conditioning and my laptop to access this post which has graced me with a few moments of reverie and a sense of peace in my heart.