Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A Pretty Good Day..

Well today was just that, a pretty good day. We finally got a call form our lawyer that (insert drum roll please) WE HAVE A COURT DATE!! Yay! May 7th at 10:30 AM the next (and hopefully final) chapter of the Harvey Family Bankruptcy 2008 will begin! Boy, you know you're burned out when you're so desperate for a break that you look forward to a day in bankruptcy court....

I just got back from dinner with an old dear dear dear friend at Chevy's. There is nothing that rejuvenates you better than dinner with an old gal pal! It was great to just chill and gossip and catch up, with no kids running around and just being me. Very nice. Next time she's here in Cali we're going to do it again. 

This kind of brings me to my new thing I'm doing on Sundays. I'm making it a point to call an old friend every Sunday. This may seem strange, but I never get a chance to chat with my girls, so I'm making a point to get a good girl chat in once a week (no my mom & sister do not count, I talk to them everyday). It's good for the soul, ya know?

Have you been to JamsBio yet? GO NOW! NOW NOW NOW! Please register and leave me some feedback, and then write a few of your own... Not to mention reading the myriad of great stories on there! If you're looking for more cool JamsBio's to read check my favorites list on my home page. 

I have decided that I'm going back to school in the fall to get my ECE units to teach pre-school. I think I'll be more than ready to stop doing daycare once Cheyanne starts kindergarten, so I'm trying to make a plan now. I love being home with my own kids, but I think 2 more years of these 11 hour days with other people's kids is about all I have left in me... I love em all, but man I'm exhausted these days. 


Christina said...

I figured out the JamsBio thing. I'm sometimes slow on the uptake. I love it, darlin.

Meghan said...

Aren't we all? ;) Thanks!