Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Song Remembers When

OK, so it's Thursday and you know what that means. Pre-Lost time killing. Did anyoe watch last week? I am in love with Desmond! Anyway, on with the post... This week in the world of Meganomics,

-I am so absolutely addicted to the website I'm writing for, Jamsbio. Basically you choose a song and write a little story about a memory you have relating to the song. Anyone who knows me, knows that this is an obsessive thing I do with songs anyway, so it's only fair I make a little extra money doing it. The site is still in beta mode right now, (not public) but will be going public soon. You can follow my link and see if you can get an access code by typing in your email address. It's so strange how a song can zap you, like a Delorean back in time to another place. You hear a song on the radio and you're whole world just stops for three minutes....

-I am putting a Lost blog together. I figure maybe I can work some of my addiction to Lost out by writing about it every week. Stay tuned for that..if I ever get around to finishing it.

-Follow the link to Associated Content. I just got my first article published there. It's about Haunted Places in Livermore. Spooooky! They paid me $4.00 to write a few words about the places we used to go drink beer. Who knew?

-And of course the ongoing Harvey Family Bankruptcy 2008 (no longer tax debt-yay!) saga continues. We are in week 9 or 10 I believe. We went to see our senile old bankruptcy lawyer on Saturday and finally gave him our tax stuff. He said that he would be calling this week sometime to let us know when to come in to sign the papers. We have yet to hear from him, of course. That Saturday when we woke up, Patrick asked what day it was and I said Saturday. "He said "Are we going to the lawyers again?" Nice, I can imagine what he tells his class on Monday when they ask what we did over the weekend. As we were leaving the lawyers office Patrick said, "Boy our lawyer sure is old isn't he?" I'm pretty sure the lawyer heard him, I wonder if that's why he hasn't called?

-I have to admit that I have not been watching American Idol this season. I guess with the writers strike I just got used to being on the computer and now I'm having a hard time tearing myself away. But, I am now intrigued over this male stripper debacle. At a guy strip cub? Props to AI for mixing it up a little! Yes, I say props to AI because it's not like they didn't know this before choosing him , I mean C'mon. Maybe I'm just bitter because they kicked off our very own Donnie (from my own hometown) a few seasons back because he got a DUI the weekend before the first America voting round. That sucked. But I digress... Guy male strippers on American Idol? Oh yea, I am definitely in.

-How about Hilary's win this week? Ok, I hope I don't alienate any of my readers (All two of them) by saying woo hoo! Not to say I don't dig Obama, I do, but a lady president? I am women hear me roar baby!!

-Patrick Swayze, pancreatic cancer? Have you heard this? Depending on the source you hear it from, he's either responding well to treatment or only has a few weeks to live. I hope it's the responding well, because he's Patrick Swayze damn't!!! God would never take our beloved Outsider, our Wolverine, our Johnny Castle for heaven's sake! I refuse to believe it.

-Have you seen the new Indiana Jones trailer? AAAHHHHH! I just watched it and feel like a little kid!! That music gave me goosebumps...

-OK, well that's it for now. I wish I could afford to get myself a used laptop so my posting wasn't restricted to times when the kids aren't otherwise occupied. If anyone wants to donate to the cause, drop me a line... HA HA

-I've got a Cadbury Egg waiting for me, don't you just love Easter time?

1 comment:

Christina said...

Be careful with Associated me and I'll give you a story.